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About Me

My goal is to provide a unique experience through a range of holistic therapies. I combine both intuition and experience to bring you a bespoke treatment to aid you on your journey of self-discovery. 


Massage is not a luxury but a holistic therapy that delivers measurable emotional, physical, spiritual results including:


- Aids positive mental health

- Promotes relaxation

- Supporting self-care and self-discovery

- Eases depression and anxiety

- Helps you overcome negative past experiences

- Boosts the immune system

- Increases flexibility and mobility


During your treatment you can relax, be you, listen to your own needs and just 'Simply Be'. 










Lomi Lomi

Lomi Lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage that you set the intentions for, be that clarity, confidence, stress relief, energy or relaxation. It is completely up to you.


Are you ready to feel self-acceptance, open up to yourself, hear your heart and start to heal? If you’re on a journey of self-discovery, or you want to start one then Lomi Lomi is the massage for you!  


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